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Directory Enquiry Service
How do I search for the number or address of a StarHub business customer?
You can use the StarHub Phone Directory Service to search for the number or address of a StarHub business customer.
Some of the records have no address. Why is that so?
We will not display an address if there is no registered service address.
What is the maximum number of records the online search portal can display? Is there any way to search for more after the maximum number of records is displayed?
There is a maximum display of 250 records. However, we would recommend users to carry out more specific searches in order to narrow down the search records.
Why do you restrict each search to a minimum of three characters?
We believe three characters is the optimum number to begin your search. However, we would recommend users to carry out more specific searches in order to narrow down the search records retrieved.
I just subscribed to Private Listing Number to remove my information from the directory search. Why is it still showing?
It would be removed by the next working day from the receipt of your request.
Why are StarHub’s residential and business listings not included in the Global Yellow Pages integrated directories?
In supporting the green initiative, StarHub is now providing the listings via an online directory search instead of a printed directory.
Why do you publish my residential listings / business listings on your website?
Instead of a printed directory, we are offering an online directory as part of a value added service through which internet users may search for StarHub’s residential and business listings.
I do not have a PC. How may I access the residential or business telephone numbers?
To search for a StarHub number, you may dial ‘100’ to access the directory enquiry service. From 1 January 2014 until we give further notice, StarHub fixed line customers will enjoy three free directory enquiries per billing month.
If I am a StarHub fixed line customer, how will the free directory enquiries be reflected in my monthly bill?
The three free directory enquiries charges will be listed under the item of “Directory Enquiry” in your bill for the following month.
I do not want my residential listings/business listings on StarHub’s online directory search. What should I do?
If you are a residential customer, to remove your records from both the online directory search and directory enquiry service (Service 100), you may wish to subscribe to our Private Number Listing service at $2.18/month.
If you are a business customer, please contact your StarHub Account Manager or StarHub Business Helpdesk at 1631.