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FAQ - My Business Account
How do I access My Business Account?
To access My Business Account, you need to first activate your Enterprise ID.
Only existing customers of StarHub Business Services can register or activate an Enterprise ID.
How do I create an Enterprise ID?
Click on
This function is currently available for Authorised Officer of the company only.
- Simply select “Set up account” on the Welcome page.
- Enter your registered Email address and Company Unique Entity Number (UEN).
- Select “Request Enterprise ID” and check Email inbox for activation email from StarHub.
Please ensure that spacing is omitted when you enter your UEN e.g. 12345689X.
What are the available services on StarHub My Business Account?
Once your account has been successfully activated, you will be able to:
- View and download e-bills
- Access dashboards and reports to track usage and expenses*
- Check recontract eligibility and submit interest to recontract line(s)
- Manage Business mobile Value-Added Services (VAS)*#
- Manage or modify service line information*
What are the different roles and rights for each Enterprise ID?
Authorised Officer’s rights:
- View company monthly spent reports
- Review all company mobile services usages
- Manage all mobile services add-ons
- Review billings and Manage e-Bill Notification Users
- Manage all user accounts with full access rights
- View monthly spend reports
- Review all company mobile services usages
- Manage mobile services add-ons as granted access by your Authorised Officer
- Review billings
- Manage all user accounts with limited access rights
- View individual spend reports
- View assigned mobile services usages
- Manage mobile services add-ons as granted access by your Authorised Officer
What should I do if I forget my Enterprise ID account password?
Follow these steps to reset your password:
How can I update or change the email address that I am using for My Business Account?
For assistance, please email
Is an OTP required to log in?
Yes, an OTP is required. This is how to update your mobile number:
Who do I contact for enquiries?
For any enquiries related to My Business Account, email
Getting Started (For Authorised Officer)
Manage Account
How do I assign mobile numbers to new employees?
Individual Modification
To ensure new employees have access to StarHub self-help channels, please add employees within the “Manage Users” function.
After you have logged in to My Business Account, select “Settings” from the top right menu bar and select “Manage Users”.
Select “Add” and input the following required information:
- User Email
- User Name
- Select Role (you can only select either Corporate Administrator or User)
Select “Save” upon entry completion.
After users have been added, please select “Settings” from the top right menu bar and select “Manage Services” to proceed with assigning mobile numbers to a new employee.
Under the Manage Services page, select “Edit” and input the user email of the employee/s you wish to assign the mobile number(s) to.
Lastly, to allow your new employee to view their mobile usage or perform basic mobile tasks through the portal or mobile app, head over to the Manage Users page and select “Send Invite”. The user will receive an email to activate his/her Enterprise ID Account.
Bulk Modification
After you have logged in to My Business Account, select “Settings” from the top right menu bar and select “Manage Users”.
Select “Export User Info” to download the Excel file.
Once the download is complete, you may verify if the existing users’ information are correct. Otherwise, you may update the information accordingly in the Excel file. Do note that if you are a new StarHub Business customer, this file will be empty except for the first row of information.
- User Email
- User Name
- Role (You can only indicate either “Corporate Administrator” or “User”)

From this page, select “Export Service IDs Information” and an Excel file containing all your subscribed mobile lines will be downloaded.
Reviewing the Excel file, assign each mobile number to the user email indicated in the previous step by entering the information in the Email Address column.
Once the file is updated and saved. Import the file back to the portal through the Import Service IDs From File page.
Lastly, to enable your users to view their mobile usage or perform basic mobile tasks through the portal or mobile app, head back to the Manage Users page and Send Invite to all “pending invite” users. The users will receive an email to activate their Enterprise ID.
How do I assign access rights to employees to purchase mobile add-on services?
Individual Access Modification
Select “Settings” from the top right menu bar and select “Manage Users”.
From the list of users, select via the checkbox a single user whose VAS access you would like to modify.
Select “Action” and click on “Feature Access”.
You will be directed to the next page where you can grant access rights by toggling the ON/OFF button corresponding to each individual VAS.
Once edits are done, select Confirm and Save.
The user will only be able to view and modify VASes that you have granted access to. They can do so through both the portal and mobile app.
Bulk Access Modification
Select “Settings” from the top right menu bar and select “Manage Users”.
From the list of users, select via checkbox multiple or all users whose VAS access you want to modify.
Select “Action” and click on “Feature Access”
In the next page, select the list of VASes that you would like to grant or remove access for. Click “Next” to automatically download an Excel file.
Open the excel file and review the changes done for the select mobile numbers. If any edits are done to the Excel file, remember to save it before closing.
Navigate back to My Business Account to the Manage Users page and import the Excel file through “Import From File”
Click on the dropdown menu for Import File Type and select “VAS Access”. Click on the “+” icon to import the Excel file and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.
The modified VAS access rights will be reflected with immediate effect for all users, and changes will be displayed in the Manage Users page.
What is e-Bill?
As part of goal to bring more convenience to our corporate customers, we are progressively phasing out paper billing and adopting e-Billing.
- Convenient: View, analyse and pay your bill anytime, anywhere
- Eco-friendly: Help the environment by reducing paper waste
- Timely: e-Bills are generated in the portal before a paper bill is mailed to you
- Archived: e-Billing allows you to reference bills from the past 12 months
How do I view or download e-Bills from My Business Account?
You can view and manage your e-Bills on your StarHub My Business Account portal.
View or Download e-Bill - It’s As Easy As 1, 2, 3
How can I sign up or change my billing method to e-Bill?
You may sign up or change your billing method via the following steps.
My billing account is still on paper billing, so will my paper billing cease immediately?
No, if you have not opted out of paper billing, the Monthly Email Notification will be sent in addition to your paper bill. You can opt out of paper billing via My Business Account.
Do I have an option to opt-out from the Monthly Email Notification?
No, if you have not opted out of paper billing, the Monthly Email Notification will be sent in addition to your paper bill. You can opt out of paper billing via My Business Account.
If you are on this Billing method: | Opt-out option |
e-Bill Monthly soft copy bill(s). | NO This is the default notification for all customer who are on e-Billing. |
Paper Bill Monthly hard copy bill(s) via mail. | YES You may opt out of this monthly notification via My Business Account. or Visit Support (here) |
If you wish to opt-out you can do so through My Business Account, by following these steps:
How do I manage my e-Bill notifications?
To manage your users’ eligibility (opt-in/opt-out) to receive the e-Bill notifications:
* Only Authorised Officers and Corporate Administrators will receive billing notifications.
How do I change my billing address for each account?
Select “StarHub Bill” then “View Bill” from the left Menu Bar in your My Business Account portal.
Select the account and click on “Change Billing Address”.
Select the option between Local Address/P.O. Box and enter your Postal Code and Unit No.
Select “Save Change”.
Note: Only Postal Code and Unit number need to be keyed in.
How do I check my current payment method(s)?
To view your current payment method(s) for your StarHub Billing Account(s):
* Only Authorised Officers and Corporate Administrators can access this feature.
How do I check my GIRO application status?
You can easily track your GIRO application status if you applied for recurring GIRO for your StarHub bills recently.
* Only Authorised Officers and Corporate Administrators can access this feature.
For more information on recurring GIRO, click here to learn more.
To apply or terminate your recurring GIRO application for your StarHub billing(s), click here to learn more.
Standard Reports
Value-Added Services
How do I add and modify individual employees’ mobile add-on services?
Individual Access Modification
Select “Settings” from the top right menu bar and select “Manage Users”.
From the list of users, select via the checkbox a single user whose VAS access you would like to modify.
Select “Action” and click on “Feature Access”.
You will be directed to the next page where you can grant access rights by toggling the ON/OFF button corresponding to each individual VAS.
Once done, select Confirm and Save.
The user will only be able to view and modify VASes that you have granted access to. They can do so through both the portal and mobile app.
Bulk Access Modification
Select “Settings” from the top right menu bar and select “Manage Users”.
From the list of users, select via the checkbox all users whose VAS access you want to modify, multiple users can be selected at one time.
Select “Action” and click on “Feature Access”
In the next page, select the list of VASes that you would like to grant or remove access for. Click “Next” to automatically download an Excel file.
Open the excel file and review the changes done for the select mobile numbers. If any edits are done to the Excel file, remember to save it before closing.
Navigate back to My Business Account to the Manage Users page and import the Excel file through “Import From File”
Click on the dropdown menu for Import File Type and select “VAS Access”. Click on the “+” icon to import the Excel file and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.
The modified VAS access rights will be reflected with immediate effect for all users, and changes will be displayed in the Manage Users page.
How do I review employees’ data usages?
Select “Usages” then “All Usages” from the left Menu Bar in My Business Account.
You will have an overview of each employee’s subscription details and information.
To view individual usages, simply click on “View” on the left column.
Here is an example of what you’ll be able to view.
How do I set Data Alerts for employees?
Select “Usages” then “All Usages” from the left Menu Bar in My Business Account.
You will have an overview of each employee’s subscription details and information.
To view individual usages, simply click on “View” on the left column.
To set Alert, click on “View details” under either Local Data or Roaming Data Charges.
Click on “Set Alert” and a pop-up will appear.
Choose your Alert Settings and click “Save”.
Note: Notification of Data Alerts will only be sent to the active Mobile Number device.