Insights-driven intelligence

Drive business growth and increase customer engagement

SmartHub Analytics leverages on near real-time, anonymised insights from millions of StarHub data points as well as targeted survey panel responses to draw deep and actionable insights about consumer behaviour and their geolocation information. 

Maximize your marketing returns and grow your business revenue with consumer market insights and a deep customer profile analysis from Big Data. 

On Demand, Deep Consumer Insights

24/7 Visibility
See who, when, where and how people move at any time. From demographics, psychographics, dwell times, places of interest and much more, enrich your analysis with more granular and detailed data from multiple sources.
Zero Product Footprint
No costly infrastructure, no apps, no plug-ins. Simply log in and access SmartHub data on any device to view insights derived from anonymised data – even while you’re on the move.
Enhance existing data
Complement your existing marketing intelligence and datasets with SmartHub, where you can segment analysis from places visited to modes of transport, TV interests to URL visited, to get a more holistic view of your customers.
A glimpse of the kind of insights you can gain access to

Develop a deep understanding of your target audience and offer a more competitive offering and a personalised experience with the insights below.

StarHub SmartHub analytics demographics insight
StarHub SmartHub analytics psychographics insight
TV consumption
URLs visited
Online brand interests
StarHub SmartHub analytics location insight
Location Insights*
Travel & commute patterns
Shopping dwell times
*Note: the actual insights we present may include but not limited to the list stated above
Why SmartHub Analytics?

Our tailor-made analytics consulting services can uncover actionable insights to address specific business problems.

Increase leads and create new revenue streams
Make more informed decisions and improve marketing spend
Improve customer engagement, build loyalty and marketshare
Create effective marketing campaigns and seize growth opportunities

Find out how SmartHub can power
your business with actionable insights

5G for Business

5G is set to positively impact a broad swathe of industries, potentially putting early adopters far ahead of their competitors. 

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StarHub Managed Services

Assured and experienced partner to design and manage your digital infrastructure.

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Hyperscale Data Centre

Meeting today's highly digitalised world with high energy efficiency and scalability facilities for data centre services.

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