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FAQ - StarHub Business Manager App
Getting Started with the StarHub Business Manager App.
The StarHub Business Manager App is currently only accessible by existing StarHub Business customers. To create an account and sign in, please ensure that you have activated your Enterprise ID to access the app.
Authorised Officers can sign up for an Enterprise ID account through the app's login screen or by following this link -
For Corporate Administrators and Users, please request for an Enterprise ID from your Authorised Officer.
How do I request for an Enterprise ID?
This function is currently only available for Authorised Officers of the company.
- Select “Set up account” on the Welcome page.
- Enter your registered email address.
- Enter your company Unique Entity Number (UEN) - No spacing is required when entering e.g. 12345689X.
- Select “Request Enterprise ID”.
- Check Email inbox for activation email from StarHub.
How do I request for a new password?
You may select the “Forgot your password” option on the login screen or click this link to request for a new password.
Please ensure that a valid Enterprise ID email is entered to receive a password reset verification email.
I tried to log in, but I received a message that my password has expired.
For security reasons, your password is valid for 6 months only and will need to be updated before expiry. You may visit this link to change your password.
I selected ‘peek my usage’ but no data is displayed?
To view your data usage without logging in, please ensure that a valid StarHub Business SIM card is inserted in your mobile device and that you are not connected to WiFi.
Alternatively, you may sign in to view your data usage.
If the issue persists despite completing the above steps, kindly complete the following steps:
- Step 1: Close the StarHub Business Manager mobile app.
- Step 2: Turn off your mobile data connection (or activate your device’s Airplane Mode).
- Step 3: Turn on your mobile data connection (or deactivate your device’s Airplane Mode).
- Step 4: Launch the mobile app and access the ‘Peek your usage’ function again.
What are the different roles and rights for each Enterprise ID?
Authorised Officer’s rights:
- View company monthly spent reports
- Review all company mobile services usages
- Manage all mobile services add-ons
- Review billings
- Manage all user accounts
Corporate Administrator’s rights:
- View monthly spend reports
- Review all company mobile services usages
- Manage all mobile services add-ons (Only add-ons which are granted access by your Authorised Officer.)
- Review billings
- Manage all users account (Only User role accounts)
User’s rights:
- View assigned mobile services usages
- Manage mobile services add-ons (Only add-ons which are granted access by your Authorised Officer.)
How do I manage app notifications on my device?
You can now enable app notifications on your device to receive updates and alerts on your business subscriptions!

How do I request for a 5G SIM card?
You can now request for and activate a 5G SIM card via the StarHub Business Manager (SBM) mobile app.
For more information, please refer to the 5G SIM FAQ section here.
Only Authorised Officer (AO) & Corporate Administrator (CA) of StarHub enterprise customers can request for new 5G SIM card through the StarHub Business Manager (SBM) mobile app. This is applicable for existing mobile lines on Biz+ Plans with non-5G SIM card.
For Authorised Officers
How do I view and filter my monthly spending chart?
You may view your monthly spend breakdown by selecting the month from the chart. Your spending breakdown will be shown on a graph.
Filtering options are available on the top right corner of the graph which will allow you to check and uncheck the information you wish to view.
How do I set a local usage alert?
- Ensure that the mobile line is selected in review usage and that you are on the “Local Tab”
- Select the contextual menu button and select “Set local usage alert” from the menu
- Select your preferred option, “Yes” or “No” and submit your request
- Upon submitting the request, you will receive an SMS notification to notify you of the alertrequest has been processed
How do I set an alert for roaming charges?
- Ensure that the mobile line is selected in review usage and that you are on the “Roaming Tab”
- Select the contextual menu button and select “Set Roaming charges alert” from themenu
- Select your preferred option, and submit your request
- Upon submitting the request, you will receive an SMS notification to notify you of the alertrequest has been processed
How do I manage user add-ons?
- Ensure that the mobile line is selected in review usage and that you are on the “Local” tab
- Select the contextual menu button and select “Manage add-ons” from the menu
- Upon submitting the request, you will receive a SMS notification to notify you the alertrequest has been processed
How do I purchase DataTravel passes for users?
- Ensure that the mobile line is selected in review usage and that you are on the “Roaming tab”
- Select “Manage DataTravel” from the Roaming Tab and select DataTravel Type
For more information on DataTravel Add-on, please view details here.
What type of transactions can I perform on the app as a non-Mobile customer?
You can view:
Service/Features | Fibre Broadband | Wireless Broadband | SmartUC |
View Plan Details |
View Recontract Eligibility | Yes | Yes | Yes |
View Billing Details | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Download Bills | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Download Service Agreement | Yes* | Yes* | Yes* |
Payment Reminder | Yes | Yes | Yes |
* Only applicable for SMB customers
- Business Broadband plan/bandwidth: Know the plan that you are subscribed to so you can upgrade if the need arises.
- Contract start/end date: Know your recontract eligibility and avoid your contract from lapsing and incurring list price.
- Router model and serial number
- Installation address
- ICCID / SIM card ID (only for Business Wireless Broadband customers)
- Data usage (only for Business Wireless Broadband customers): Prevent bill shock by adhering to the data entitlement for your wireless broadband subscription.
What is e-Bill?
As part of our goal to bring more convenience to our corporate customers, we are progressively phasing out paper billing and adopting e-Billing.
Benefits of e-Billing:
Convenient: View, analyse and pay your bill anytime, anywhere
Eco-friendly: Help the environment by reducing paper waste
Timely: e-Bills are generated in the portal before a paper bill is mailed to you
Archived: e-Billing allows you to reference bills from the past 12 months.
Where can I view or download bills?
You can download a PDF of your latest bill through the app. To view the bills for past 12 months, please do so via My Business Account portal.
- As an Authorised Officer, log into the app with your Enterprise ID.
- Select 'Billing' tab.
- Navigate to the desired billing account and select the 'Next' icon.
- Select the 'Download Bill' button.
Do I have an option to opt out from the Monthly Email Notification?
If you are on this billing method: | Opt-out option |
e-Bill Monthly soft copy bill(s). | NO This is the default notification for all customer who are on e-Billing. |
Paper Bill Monthly hard copy bill(s) via mail. | YES You may opt out of this monthly notification via StarHub Business Manager App or Visit Support (here) |
If you wish to opt out you can do so through StarHub Business Manager App, by following these steps.
How do I manage my e-Bill notifications?
To manage your users’ eligibility (opt-in/opt-out) to receive the e-Bill notifications:
How do I check my current payment method(s)?
To view your current payment method(s) for your StarHub Billing Account(s):
How do I check my GIRO application status?
You can easily track your GIRO application status if you applied for recurring GIRO for your StarHub bills recently.
How do I set up a new user?
Select the “+” icon on the manage tab.
During the process of adding of user, make sure to assign the correct mobile number to the user and send the user the activation email.
If no mobile number is assigned, users will not be able to view usage. If the activation email is not sent out, users will not be able to activate the account and log in.
How do I send out an activation email to users?
Individual Account
First, select the user account and then choose “Send activation email” from the contextual menu on the profile page.
Bulk Selection Option
Under the manage tab, select the option “Send activation email” from the contextual menu.
The list of users who are “Pending Activation” will be shown.
Next, select the users by checking the box and then you will be able to submit a request to send an activation email out to these users.
How do I reset user account password?
Individual Account
On the profile page, select the user account and then select the option “Reset password” from the contextual menu.
Bulk Selection Option
Under the manage tab, select the option “Reset password” from the contextual menu.
The list of users who are “Active” will be shown.
Next, select the users by checking the box and then you will be able to submit a request to send an activation email out to users.
How do I reset suspended users?
Individual Account
On the profile page, select the user account.
Next, choose option “Suspend user” from the contextual menu.
Bulk Selection Option
Under the manage tab, select the option “Suspend user” from the contextual menu.
The list of users who are “Active” will be shown.
Next, select the users by checking the box and then you will be able to submit a request to send an activation email out to users.
For Users
What are the features I can enjoy in the mobile app?
- View Usage & Subscription
Easily access your plan details and track your usage on the go! Navigate between plans or service addresses in a few taps. You can also view your Service Agreement in the app. - Check Recontract Eligibility
Keep track of your subscription(s) and simply initiate recontract with a tap of a button. - Bill Access
Track your account balance(s) and download your bills easily in the app.
Who can access the mobile app features?
Only Authorised Officers and Corporate Administrators are able to access the mobile app features regarding your business subscription(s). Corporate Users will not be able to view any plan details.
Click here to learn more about User Roles.
What type of transactions can I perform on the app as a non-Mobile customer?
You can view:
Service/Features | Fibre Broadband | Wireless Broadband | SmartUC |
View Plan Details |
View Recontract Eligibility | Yes | Yes | Yes |
View Billing Details | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Download Bills | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Download Service Agreement | Yes* | Yes* | Yes* |
Payment Reminder | Yes | Yes | Yes |
* Only applicable for SMB customers
- Business Broadband plan/bandwidth: Know the plan that you are subscribed to so you can upgrade if the need arises.
- Contract start/end date: Know your recontract eligibility and avoid your contract from lapsing and incurring list price.
- Router model and serial number
- Installation address
- ICCID / SIM card ID (only for Business Wireless Broadband customers)
- Data usage (only for Business Wireless Broadband customers): Prevent bill shock by adhering to the data entitlement for your wireless broadband subscription.
Where can I view or download bills?
You can download a PDF of your latest bill through the app. To view the bills for past 12 months, please do so via My Business Account portal.
- As an Authorised Officer, log into the app with your Enterprise ID.
- Select 'Billing' tab.
- Navigate to the desired billing account and select the 'Next' icon.
- Select the 'Download Bill' button