If you are a business owner that needs convenient and cost-effective broadband for remote sites and short-term work locations, you can subscribe to our Business Wireless Broadband (4G) service. It offers seamless internet connectivity on StarHub's robust 4G mobile network.

With Business Wireless Broadband (4G),
my architects' and engineers' work efficiency has increased. They can instantly access internet for email communications at construction sites.

With Business Wireless Broadband (4G),
it is easier and faster to provide internet access for Point-Of-Sales system at any of my retail stores. If my retail store changes location, I just need to bring along the router.

With Business Wireless Broadband (4G),
I do not have to worry about providing affordable WiFi access for my roadshows. My staff can simply plug the router at any roadshow locations to enjoy internet access for work.

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Offer your guests, customers or staff wireless internet access within your venue.

Business Internet
Experience premium enterprise grade Internet Services with bandwidths ranging from 2Mbps to 10Gbps.