Besides providing basic telephony features like call forward, call routing and voicemail, SmartUC On-Premise delivers UC features such as audio and web conferencing, instant messaging and presence, contact centre and mobile/soft clients.
The mobile (iOS & Android) and the software (Windows & Mac) clients allow your employees to make or receive phone calls from anywhere to enable true business mobility.
Adding new users is simple with SmartUC On-Premise. Traditional connectivity is constrained by ISDN lines which come in 10 or 30 channels. An additional line is required whenever expansion is necessary. StarHub’s SIP Voice is able to scale up to 1,000 channels in a single trunk. Depending on your business needs, SmartUC On-Premise can scale from 10 users to 2,500 users in a single system. Rely on StarHub’s managed services for hassle-free setup for new users.
Migrating to SmartUC On-Premise does not mean that you need to change all your telephone numbers. SIP Voice supports number portability. You can retain your existing numbers when you migrate to StarHub’s SIP Voice, causing no disruption to your business operations. Employees can also log into their accounts on the IP Phones in different offices.
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