Achieve more with your network. A smarter network.
Connect internationally with StarHub’s fully managed, secure, and high-performance Global VPN.
Enterprises now have a mobile workforce where applications are used for online communication and collaboration. With this comes higher IT management and monitoring costs. Therefore, enterprises need flexible connections across different locations with speedy data transmission that is scalable, yet low-cost.
StarHub's Global Virtual Private Network (GVPN) can help make this happen. We provide Layer 2 and Layer 3 Network connectivity, globally based on Multiprotocol Label Switching technology (MPLS). StarHub’s own private and managed infrastructure offers secure and fully managed carrier grade resilience. GVPN’s network allow businesses to profit from the power of a smarter and managed network.
In addition, through StarHub’s partnerships with domestic telecom providers, you can seamlessly integrate it with existing DLC, DSL, Metro Ethernet and Internet VPN networks.
VPN Features
Access Methods
StarHub Global VPN platform have the flexibility to integrate with various modes of access such as Digital Leased Circuit, Metro Ethernet, DSL (T1/E1), and Internet VPN services.
Global VPN technology
Global IPVN supports Any-to-Any and Hub-Spoke topology. StarHub Global VPN simplifies the network operational model, reducing the complexities of managing a large IP core for transport thereby bringing more efficient and greater savings to the customer.
Multi-VPN per Site
Customers may require multiple VPN services due to different network policies. Multi-VPN feature supports two or more VPNs to a single site, where IP addresses can be overlapped among the VPNs. With Multi-VPN, multiple customers can share one CE, and only one physical link is used between the CE and the PE.
Load Sharing
Starhub Global VPN supports load sharing of traffic across dual linked sites without manipulating PE-CE routing protocol attributes. The benefits to customer are the efficicent use of network resources, increase throughput via load sharing and fault tolerance as a result of a redundant connectivity.
Classes of Service
StarHub Global IPVPN supports 6 classes of services:
- Premium Class for delay-sensitive real-time applications such as voice and video
- Business Class (4 classes) for business critical traffic such as SAP or other financial transactions. StarHub's Global VPN has 4 different classes to manage the different types of urgent traffic
- Standard class for non-critical traffic such as email or web browsing
Internet Protocol Version 4 and 6
StarHub Global VPN supports both IPv4 and IPv6 natively as well as in dual stack configurations. As IP continues to be deployed to support next-generation applications and devices, IPv6 is beginning to gain traction throughout the world as a vehicle for technology innovation.
Corporate VPN and Network Security
MLPS is a secured virtual private network. It is "secured and private" as in that customers that belong to different VPN cannot interact. It is "virtual" in that multiple VPN can be offered over a common packet switched network. To protect the provider infrastructure, all management access such as telnet and SNMP from CE direction to the PE is disabled.
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