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Privacy and Security

Are my transactions in the StarHub Online Store secure?

We strive to ensure that all transactions made at our StarHub Online Store are safe by using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software. The software is the industry standard and among the best software available today for secure commerce transactions. We also make use of 128-bit encryption, which is the highest level of encryption available commercially. It encrypts all of your personal information, name, and address, so that it cannot be read as the information travels over the Internet.

How do I know if my browser is secure?

Currently, browser versions Chrome 29.0 and above, Safari 6.02 and above, Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 and above, Mozilla Firefox 23.01 and above, all support 128-bit SSL. Your browser will automatically enter the secure mode when you enter our StarHub Online Store. For added security, a lock icon is also displayed in the status bar to indicate secure mode. No lock icon is visible during normal unencrypted sessions.

Are my credit card details safe?

Yes. Our customers’ safety and security come first, and protecting your personal details is our topmost priority.

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