Football for All with Premier League
Football for All with Premier League
Premier League
Get the optimal experience

For the optimal viewing experience, make sure your TV+ app or set-top box is updated to the latest version and connect to high-speed internet (at least 10Mbps) when streaming.
StarHub Broadband is optimized for our StarHub TV+ set-top box. It can carry TV signals with the best quality of service regardless of network load and traffic. With StarHub Broadband and TV+, you’ll have a better way to view Premier League matches.
If you’re not subscribed to StarHub Broadband yet, check out our promotions with Premier League at starhub.com/premierleague

Using other service providers’ broadband? Don’t worry! You can still use our TV+ box to get great resolution of the Premier League game up to Ultra-HD at 50fps. Alternatively, if you prefer to watch without a box, you can enjoy the same resolution on our new TV+ Smart TV app on Android TVs. Live statistics, multi-view and interactive timeline are features on this Smart TV app which will be made available soon!

If you do not own an Android TV or a TV+ box today, fret not! We offer you the flexibility to watch from your mobile phones or through a web browser. Do note that casting to the big screens through your mobile phones or web browser will only give you a highest resolution of 720p, compared to getting a TV+ box or using our TV+ Smart TV app on Android TV. While the resolution may not give you the best experience, the ability to cast the game on big screens lets you enjoy the game with your friends and family anytime, anywhere.

You can also watch on-the-go through StarHub TV+ mobile app or StarHub TV+ web browser. This way, you’ll never miss a single goal even if you need to be constantly on-the-move! Do note that the resolution is dependent on the mobile network connectivity.

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- Bundles
- Watch Premier League in Ultra-HD